Assessing the relevance, coherence, impact, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of projects

TDS offers a wide range of project and program evaluations as well as contextual and feasibility studies to provide clients with a detailed understanding of their actions in the field.

Project Assessments

Sustainable and responsible business practices are more relevant than ever. Not only to protect a company’s reputation and shareholder value, but also to collaborate in finding solutions to increasingly complex global issues. Whether it is climate change, mass migration, poverty reduction and quality of life, respect for human rights or equitable access to resources, products and services, sustainable and scalable solutions can only be developed if the private and public sectors share resources and capacity for innovation while engaging in collaborative initiatives. 


Contextual and feasibility studies

With highly skilled professionals with over 20 years of private sector experience in a variety of industries and in almost every region of the world, TDS has an excellent understanding of the business and private sector requirements, challenges and sensitivities. We have a wealth of experience in speaking and convincing with the C-Suite, but also the skills to connect with the shop floor and host communities as well as NGOs. In addition, we see ourselves as brokers to connect private sector interests with societal needs and enable cross-sector partnerships. As such, our offerings range from strategy development to project and partnership management,
with a focus on managing expectations and developing inclusive social enterprises.

“The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) show very clearly the challenges facing the world today. Achieving these goals should be of great interest to all stakeholders and a great challenge. If different stakeholders – the private sector, the public sector and international organizations – work together, we can find creative and innovative solutions never imagined. It’s about the willingness to collaborate and dare to experiment”.

Guillaume Imbert
Director – Development Assistance

Our solutions make a difference

  • Business-related human rights management
    We support the private sector in identifying and managing business-related human rights risks and contribute positively to society’s commitment to human rights.

    ● Facilitation of awareness raising workshops on business and human rights
  • Inclusive business
    We help the private sector and community actors develop inclusive business models that create a revenue stream for the company while helping to provide solutions (products or services) to unserved or underserved stakeholders.
  • Developing a company’s human rights management system
  • Social Investments
    We insert the private sector into society in ways that contribute to the development of neighboring communities and society at large, as well as enable positive collaboration between a company and its stakeholders.
  • Categorization of human rights risks in the company’s environment and development of a
    mitigation plan.

More information on our Studies & Evaluation offer